一、 项目名称: 来宾B电厂一、二号锅炉脱硝改造项目工程总承包项目
I. Name of project: EPC of De-NOx Project for Laibin B Power Plant 2x360 MW Units of French Investment Guangxi Laibin Electric Power Co. Ltd
二、 项目编号: CEITCL-GX-ZCGC-120901
II. Project No.: CEITCL-GX-ZCGC-120901
三、 招标方式:邀请招标
III. Bidding type: invitational bid
四、 评标日期:2012年11月30日
IV. Bid evaluation date: November 30th, 2012
五、 公示日期:2013年1月29日
V. Date of announcement: January 28th 2013
VI: Bid evaluation results:
The first successful candidate: China Huadian Engineering Co., Ltd, bid price: RMB95,840,000;
The second successful candidate:CPI Yuanda Environmental-Protection Engineering Co., Ltd,RMB95,876,149;
The third successful candidate: Harbin Boiler Company Limited,RMB99,600,000。
七、联系事项:招标人联系人姓名:苏基林,联系电话及传真:0771- 5865178
联系人姓名:卜爱芳, 联系电话及传真:0771-2875700
VII. Contact information: contact name of the tenderer: Su Jilin, telephone and fax: 0771- 5865178
Tender agency: China Economic International Tendering Co., Ltd
Contact name: Bu Aifang, telephone and fax: 0771-2875700
VIII. Remarks: Where any relevant parties have objection over the bid evaluation results, they can raise the objection in written to the Tenderer within 3 days as of the day of the announcement. The Tenderer will give a reply within the stipulated time. For any objection that does not conform to the provisions, the Tenderer is entitled for non-acceptance.
Tender agency: China Economic International Tendering Co., Ltd